Mark Your Calendars!!!
Instant savings on brand new merchandise and gift certificates!
The KGGF KUSN KQQF Annual Auction will be Saturday morning June 1, 9am,
at Coffeyville Recreation Center near Walter Johnson Park.
We are shopping at local advertisers buying brand new merchandise and gift certificates....
then, we will auction them off to you with guaranteed savings!
The bidding will stop at 80% of the retail price.
However, many items won't even get to the full 80%....
you may pay 40-50-or 60% of retail. It's an set the get the bargains!
Click Here for more information on how you can be a part of this years auction!
FREE Registration Numbers and FREE prizes too!!
Don't miss it...KGGF KUSN KQQF Annual Auction....
Saturday, June 1, 9am, at Coffeyville Recreation Center in Walter Johnson Park.
The KGGF KUSN KQQF Annual Auction will be Saturday morning June 1, 9am,
at Coffeyville Recreation Center near Walter Johnson Park.
We are shopping at local advertisers buying brand new merchandise and gift certificates....
then, we will auction them off to you with guaranteed savings!
The bidding will stop at 80% of the retail price.
However, many items won't even get to the full 80%....
you may pay 40-50-or 60% of retail. It's an set the get the bargains!
Click Here for more information on how you can be a part of this years auction!
FREE Registration Numbers and FREE prizes too!!
Don't miss it...KGGF KUSN KQQF Annual Auction....
Saturday, June 1, 9am, at Coffeyville Recreation Center in Walter Johnson Park.